Saturday 12 June 2021

Focus fully on the (Niyyah Intention) of need in Salawat, Don't focus on the (Niyyah - Intention) of problems otherwise you lose

Focus fully on the (Niyyah-Intention) of need in Salawat, Don't focus on the (Niyyah-Intention) of problems otherwise you lose, & gain more loss upon loss

What do i mean by this?
“Focus fully on the (Niyyah-Intention) of need in Salawat”, you see when you read salawat, focus fully and make your (Niyyah-Intention) on Salawat only at your goal. And don't focus on yours problems because your now you’re too busy with problems. 

Your attention and focus isn't the Dhikr of Salawat, no,  your focus and attention is now becomes Dhikr of Problems. So the value is now lost, "you lose, and gain more loss upon loss". You lose the spiritual blessings, you lose in sincerity, lose the value of its full potential rewards that could open your soul. 

Allah will test you, time and time again. So why are you so stuck with Dhikr of worrying and don’t see, you attention should be fully on the Love of Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallim, that is your approach and focus should be of that, of someone who broken and far away from him, and not far away with focusing on your problems.  The Qur’an says;

Laqad jaa'akum rasulum-min anfusikum 'azeezun 'alayhi ma 'anittum hareesun 'alaykum bil-mu'mi-neena ra'uw-fur-raheem Fa-in ta-wal-law faqul-hasbiya-allahu laailaha illa-hu 'alayhi tawakkaltu wahuwa rabbul-'arshil-'adheem (9:128-129)

Indeed there has already come to you a Messenger among yourselves, Mighty (grievous) to him is your sufferings; most eager is he for your (welfare), to the believers (he is) constantly compassionate, constantly merciful (9:128)  Still, if they turn away from you (O Messenger), say: "God is sufficient for me; there is no deity but He. In Him have I put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Supreme Throne (as the absolute Ruler and Sustainer of the universe and all creation, Who maintains and protects it)." (9:129)

The verses says it grievous Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallim a lot, your suffering and he Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) is eager for your welfare and wellbeing ,and is  constantly wants  Compassionate and Mercy for you. But many turn away from his Help and  limit his (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) Mercy given to help.  They are too busy to believe and invest with total iman of this Waseelah intercessior, instead caught up with Shaytans Waswas-whisper of doubts and making Dhikr of doubts and ifs, worrying too much, that the Dhikr is no longer salawat it’s the dhikr of worrying.  Allah said he will test us, it’s part of our Qadr-Destiny.

 Our job and goal is focusing only on Love of  Salawat and Loving the( Mercy of Universes0Rahmat ‘alameen) Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) that Allah has given Him  without doubt, Spiritual Power to help us, and we MUST believe with Pure Yaqin-Certainty in  encompassing Love and have that encompassing Love, even if death comes, or things don’t work out.  

Maybe they don’t work out, because that was your test too, and something much better is waiting for you in the next world, maybe later in life, you will be rewarded for your Sabr-Patience, your constant reading  Salawat out of Love of Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) and making Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) should be your main goal and priority to get closer and closer too Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim).

And see  that your life problems are the causes that brings you closer to the Love of Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim). Until you can see with that perspective you will just be like a donkey chasing a carrot in Dunya. The Goal is Jannah and being with (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) and that is real Jannah. Finally understand we have a Nafs-ego, and its lazy, it doesn’t care for Ibadah-Worship of Allah, he only want ease, and desires and Dunya. And problems  rubs the Nafs-ego up the wrong way to do two things, one is complaining and be ungrateful which is a form of running to Kufr which many of us do at different levels some run and do haram actions to escape, only to give the soul more pain. 

Or we can  humble  it thorough doing Dhikr, and Fadhil al-Dhikr The Best Dhikr is Salawat out of Love of too Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) and not caring about your problem, but instead saying Ya Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) You deal with them please. Because the next verse ends with  “Still, if they turn away from you (O Messenger), say: "God is sufficient for me; there is no deity but He. In Him have I put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Supreme Throne (as the absolute Ruler and Sustainer of the universe and all creation, Who maintains and protects it)." (9:129)

*Uns Foundation Sufi Life Coaching - Sajad Ali**Focus fully on the (Niyyah-Intention) of need in Salawat, Don't focus on the (Niyyah-Intention) of problems otherwise you lose, & gain more loss upon loss*

What do i mean by this?
“Focus fully on the (Niyyah-Intention) of need in Salawat”, you see when you read salawat, focus fully and make your (Niyyah-Intention) on Salawat only at your goal. And don't focus on yours problems because your now you’re too busy with problems. 

Your attention and focus isn't the Dhikr of Salawat, no,  your focus and attention is now becomes Dhikr of Problems. So the value is now lost, "you lose, and gain more loss upon loss". You lose the spiritual blessings, you lose in sincerity, lose the value of its full potential rewards that could open your soul. 

Allah will test you, time and time again. So why are you so stuck with Dhikr of worrying and don’t see, you attention should be fully on the Love of Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallim, that is your approach and focus should be of that, of someone who broken and far away from him, and not far away with focusing on your problems.  The Qur’an says;

Laqad jaa'akum rasulum-min anfusikum 'azeezun 'alayhi ma 'anittum hareesun 'alaykum bil-mu'mi-neena ra'uw-fur-raheem Fa-in ta-wal-law faqul-hasbiya-allahu laailaha illa-hu 'alayhi tawakkaltu wahuwa rabbul-'arshil-'adheem (9:128-129)

Indeed there has already come to you a Messenger among yourselves, Mighty (grievous) to him is your sufferings; most eager is he for your (welfare), to the believers (he is) constantly compassionate, constantly merciful (9:128)  Still, if they turn away from you (O Messenger), say: "God is sufficient for me; there is no deity but He. In Him have I put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Supreme Throne (as the absolute Ruler and Sustainer of the universe and all creation, Who maintains and protects it)." (9:129)

The verses says it grievous Sayyidina Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallim a lot, your suffering and he Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) is eager for your welfare and wellbeing ,and is  constantly wants  Compassionate and Mercy for you. But many turn away from his Help and  limit his (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) Mercy given to help.  They are too busy to believe and invest with total iman of this Waseelah intercessior, instead caught up with Shaytans Waswas-whisper of doubts and making Dhikr of doubts and ifs, worrying too much, that the Dhikr is no longer salawat it’s the dhikr of worrying.  Allah said he will test us, it’s part of our Qadr-Destiny.

 Our job and goal is focusing only on Love of  Salawat and Loving the( Mercy of Universes0Rahmat ‘alameen) Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) that Allah has given Him  without doubt, Spiritual Power to help us, and we MUST believe with Pure Yaqin-Certainty in  encompassing Love and have that encompassing Love, even if death comes, or things don’t work out.  

Maybe they don’t work out, because that was your test too, and something much better is waiting for you in the next world, maybe later in life, you will be rewarded for your Sabr-Patience, your constant reading  Salawat out of Love of Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) and making Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) should be your main goal and priority to get closer and closer too Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim).

And see  that your life problems are the causes that brings you closer to the Love of Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim). Until you can see with that perspective you will just be like a donkey chasing a carrot in Dunya. The Goal is Jannah and being with (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) and that is real Jannah. Finally understand we have a Nafs-ego, and its lazy, it doesn’t care for Ibadah-Worship of Allah, he only want ease, and desires and Dunya. And problems  rubs the Nafs-ego up the wrong way to do two things, one is complaining and be ungrateful which is a form of running to Kufr which many of us do at different levels some run and do haram actions to escape, only to give the soul more pain. 

Or we can  humble  it thorough doing Dhikr, and Fadhil al-Dhikr The Best Dhikr is Salawat out of Love of too Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) and not caring about your problem, but instead saying Ya Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallim) You deal with them please. Because the next verse ends with  “Still, if they turn away from you (O Messenger), say: "God is sufficient for me; there is no deity but He. In Him have I put my trust, and He is the Lord of the Supreme Throne (as the absolute Ruler and Sustainer of the universe and all creation, Who maintains and protects it)." (9:129)

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