Friday 21 October 2016

Meeting the Prophet ﷺ in a state of wakefulness-(yaqadha) Part 4

Meeting the Prophet in a state of wakefulness-(yaqadha) Part 4

An amazing full description of what the stages for Lovers of Salawat goes through and seeing the blessed Sayyiduna Rasulallah from dreams to a state of wakefulness-(yaqadha).

Maqam wakefulness-(yaqadha). Below is a my summary from reading many articles about this subject  and this is the part 4 of wakefulness-(yaqadha). Thus read a minimum of 1000 times Salawat Morning and evening which is (2,000 times in total) and this should really be the minimum due to;  Shaykh Muhammad abul-Mawhib Shadhili said in a dream; I saw the Messenger of Allah and he said, "bring forward this mouth that sends salawat upon me 1000 times in the morning and 1000 times in the evening".

Then increasing that slowly to, 3,000 a day to 5,000 to 10,000 a day, until one can read A Wird of 30'000 to 40'000 Salawat a day and i would recommend the following salawat as its a Sunnah Salawat which all the Awilyah mention the most in its variant version. Allahumma Salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin ninabiyyil-Ummiyyi wa ‘ala aalihi wa Sallim tasleema.

"O Allah bless Muhammad Sallahu walahi wasalam, the unlettered Prophet, and his family and grant them best of peace."

Some Salawats have more special qualities then others. But when one reads over 100 a day something happens from the unseen and when they read 1000 Salawat Jannah calls them and when they enter 10'000 plus a day then wakefulness-(yaqadha) starts to open to them or sainthood or their Duas are Dua Murajab-(effective)

And they are dressed in the colours of Waliyah and this is also based on not Ghiyba-backbiting, insulting, Slandering with your tongue and thoughts and releasing all Ghill-Grudges form ones Hearts.

And also bear in mind the following; having the Best of Manners-Adaab to the worse of people around and not judging them but finding excuses for the foolishness and not entering Arguments for; “The most hated person in the sight of Allah is the most quarrelsome" And Learn to be gentle and Merciful to all young and old and be a slave and service others.

From the article 34 ways - Duas Seeing the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him in dreams
All the Big Awilya mention this Salawat or a variation, variant based on this; Allahumma Salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin ninabiyyil-Ummiyyi wa ‘ala aalihi wa Sallim tasleema.

*Night of Jum’ah and 1,000 salawats
Laylatul Jum'ah is the night of reading (1,000 times minimum); Allahumma salli 'ala sayyidina muhammadin nabiyyil-ummiyyi wa ‘ala aalihi wa sallim tasleema.

*(Note: This is from the Awliya) that is to Recite 1000 Minimum, you can read more and sleeping in wudhu with niyyah of hoping of Ziyarah-visit of Sayyiduna Rasulallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam insh'allah bi-idhnillah bi amr'illah bi haqqi Nur Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

* Ways of Seeing the Prophet (peace be upon him) in dreams*
Imam Nawawi wrote in his Adhkar: “whoever, on the night preceding Friday, prays two nafl rak’as, reciting Ayat al Kursi 5 times in each rak’a after Fatiha, and then after this salah, sits and prays salawat 1,000 times upon the Prophet (peace be upon him), then he will see him in his dream.” Thus i have chosen this salawat to recite Tonight (Thursday night 1,000 times) "Allahumma salli ‘ala muhammadi nin-nabiyyil ummiyyi wa 'ala 'aalihi wa-sallim tasleema". 

(Shaykh Hasan al-’Adawi in his commentary on the Dala’il al Khayrat has mentioned similar salawat)

Also of the salawats mentioned this one: "Allahumma salli ‘ala muhammadi nin-nabiyyil ummiyyi wa 'ala 'aalihi wa-sallim tasleema" is mentioned in hadith that if recited on Friday 80 times after Asr Allah will forgive 80 years of sin. Thus reciting on Thursday nights is mentioned by many saints.

Read this Salawat minimum of 1000 or 1000s not 80 for that is its bare minimum; for reading in Great numbers, generates Great Nur-lights and Great rewards and Great Blessing flow in life, from the Great Majestic-(Jalali) Lord of Universes for the sake of his Beautiful-(Jamali) Beloved Mercy of the Universes , this salawat is a Sunnah salawat and all the waliyah mention reading this a 1000 times daily morning and evening, It opens Great rewards of Ziyara-visitation to Rasulillah being the lest of its Great rewards.

This is why I stress this salawat above the others if one wants to see dreams or visions insha’llah now the manner of doing this that is through Muaraqah and a full description of how to focus is below from the saints.

How to Focus while reciting Salawat - Fana Rasulallah
Practice of visualization during the tasliya was given emphasis by Abd al-Karim al-Jili (1364-1408), the "promiment commentator and systematizer of [Ibn Arabi's] thought".

As we have seen from Ibn Arabi, vision of the Prophet might be attained through constant tasliya over the Prophet, while al-Wasiti emphasized attaching oneself to the Prophet's incorporeal presence and reciting the tasliya "as if you were in his presence seeing him..."

Al-Jili emphasized this aspect of visualization, the object of which was "for a real vision to replace a synthetic one, for the cultivated visualization of the Prophet to become the actual, waking vision of the Prophet, ru'yat al-nabi yaqzatan".

Continuously call to mind his image...If you have seen him in your sleep, call that image to mind. If you have not, bless him, and in your dhikr imagine yourself with him in his life.

He hears you and sees you whenever you mention him... If you cannot do this and you have visited his tomb, recall its image in your mind.

Whenever you do dhikr or bless him, be as if you were standing at his tomb, in all honour and respect... If you have not visited his tomb, continue to bless him, and imagine him hearing you.

Of course, this practice of visualizing the Prophet was not new, for we know from a famous hadith that the Prophet's grandson Imam al-Hassan asked his uncle Hind for the Hilya of the Prophet (peace be upon him

ata'allaq bih (to attach myself to, or to hold fast to). The word Hilya means adornment or ornament or beauty- see here the great respect that Imam al-Hassan (r.a.) is showing the Prophet ( peace be upon him), because he knows that all of his attributes and descriptions, peace be upon him, are beautiful, so he used the word Hilya. And therefore we know that Imam al-Hassan used to hold fast to the image of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

Imam Al-Sha’rani On Aqaid Ahl Al-Sunnah & Tasawwuf
"So work my brother on polishing the mirror of your heart from rust and dust, and on purifying yourself of all impurities, so that there is not left in you a single trait that would keep you from entering the presence of Allah exalted be He, or the presence of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. For if you do a large amount of salawat and salaam on him, peace be upon him, then perhaps you will reach the station of witnessing him.

And this is the way of shaykh Noor al-Deen al-Shooni, shaykh Ahmad al-Zawawi, shaykh Muhammad ibn Dawood al-Manzilawi, and a group of shaykhs from Yemen, for one of them does not stop praying upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and doing it abundantly until he is purified of all sins and comes to meet him while awake whenever he wante d. And he to whom this meeting does not happen has not done a large amount of sending prayers and greetings upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, the amount large enough for him to reach this station.

 And I heard my master Ali al-Khawwas, may God have mercy on him, say: The servant does not reach perfection in the station of gnosis until he can meet with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him whenever he wants. The above-mentioned Ahmad al-Zawawi (d. 1517) would recite the salawat 40,000 times a day. He said to al-Sha'rani:

 "We recite the salawat on behalf of the Beloved Prophet so often that he then sits with us while we are in a waking state (hattaa yaseera yujaalisunaa yaqzatan) and we keep company with him like the sahaaba did (nashabuhu). Then we question him about matters of our religion and about hadiths which are held to be weak in the opinion of our religious scholars. Subsequently we base our behaviour on his words."

 Salawt Wird of  Awliya is between 30'000 to 50'000 Salawat every day.
 Shaykh Ahamad al Zawawi told me that, when he had failed to achieve the experience of coming together with the Prophet, he devoted himself with assiduous perseverance to the invocation of blessing upon the Prophet for one whole year, invoking blessing upon him fifty thousand times each and every day. (50'000 x 360 =18 Million Salawat)

In similar fashion, Shaykh Nur ad Din ash Shinwani informed me that he devoted himself with assiduous perseverance to the invocation of blessing upon the Prophet for such and such a period of time, invoking blessing upon him thirty thousand times each and every day. 30'000 x 360 =10.8 Million Salawat)

 "I heard Sidi Ali al Khawwas say: 'A servant does not achieve perfection in the station of mystical knowledge-(irfan) until he experiences communion with Allah's Messenger in a state of wakefulness and oral conversation. The following are included among those righteous predessors who have seen him in a state of wakefulness: Shaykh Abu Madyan al Maghribi, The Shaykh of the Sufi community, Shaykh Abd Rahim al Qinawi, Shaykh Musa az Zawawi, Shaykh Abul Hasan ash Shadhili, Shaykh Abu Abass al Mursi, Shaykh Abu Sa'ud ibn Abi Masha'ir, Sidi Ibrahim al Matbuli, and Shaykh Jalal ad Din as Suyuti.'

Al-Shooni's daily wird consisted of saying the tasliya-(meaning salawat) 10,000 times every morning and another 10,000 every evening, beside leading group gatherings in which they would pray over the Messenger peace be upon him for several hours.

 Ahmad ibn Idris used to say;
 Each Prophet has an answered prayer, and each wali has with his Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, a granted request. When it’s time came, I asked him peace and blessings be upon him to guard my companions and grant them spiritual support from his own essence. So he said: "He who associates himself with you, I will not have anyone else be his guardian or guarantor, for I am his guardian and his guarantor."

And based on this granted request Ibn Idris would say to his followers, "We have transferred you to him who is better than us, since the assignment has been accepted. So turn to him and show your questions and needs to him." [4]

This is similar to the saying of al-Khawwas, "All the doors of the awliya have been shut, and nothing now remains open except the door of the Messenger of God peace and blessings be upon him. So bring all your needs and problems to him, peace and blessings be upon him."

Taken Tariqah Idirisyyah; But what we see here are two important features of the Muhammadan ways:
1) Constant tasliya-(meaning salawat) on the Prophet as a means to see him, peace and blessings be upon him, and

2) Turning only to the Prophet for help and not for any wali, so that one depends only on Allah and his Messenger peace and blessings be upon him.

My Notes: From these 2 key points of Constant tasliya-(meaning salawat), meaning Salawat in 10'000 or morning and evening today can still be used to overide any Wail or any Tariqah for Maddat for the actual Source from where all Saints drink from is what is being said.

A question then was asked from in comments in facebook; if that was the case - then why do we need tareeqas and murshids? mashallah very good question, and my reply:

"Most people are not trained at any level spiritually and need guidance simply and salawat is a guide to those who have no shaykhs.

The scholars have said that during the end times people shall not find people who can assist them in guidance and cure them of sorrow so they should make constant salutations upon the Prophet of Allah and he shall be the one who guides and nurtures them to paradise.

And the Shadhili masters have said if you don't have a Sufi Shaykh, then take Dalail Khaytat as your (Sufi Shaykh and Guide) (dalail al khayrat is a sufi Shadhili masterpiece of Salawat upon the Prophet peace be upon him written by Imam Jazuli)".


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