Monday 10 May 2021

Inspiring To Win or Fulfill Your Needs through Niyyah Intention: Sufi healing course

"If Allah Puts You to it, Allah will Bring you through it, But know, you must have Yaqin which is Positive Thinking of Allah, and Yaqin means not entertaining negative thoughts. Otherwise you've failed before you've even started - Sajad Ali

Inspiring To Win or Fulfill Your Needs through Niyyah-Intention: Sufi healing course.

The Niyyah or Intention: When you deeply intend, yearn, desire, long, crave a task, goal or neediness, pause and take a long breath, and visualize its successful completion in your mind. Hold it tight and close to you, smile and be determined, centered, focused, aimed, targeted and be ambitious for that means to fulfill optimistically.

Push your energy thought pattern, attention span, effort, concentration, motivation, having a strong powerful driving ardent and Intense passion for that plea. Your thirst and hunger will grow for its vibrations expand and moves into the realms within your sub-conscious for its achievement. Its force is fashioned and formed into dazzling lights that transforms into dreams, then feel the sensations emerging essence as its realization, nurture are developed around you.

Then it becomes revealed, engraved and entwined in your spirit, wholehearted and unequivocally, that doesn't allow within you a remnant of doubt, uncertainty, negativity, hesitation to earn, or gain entry, or give it any merit, weight, entertainment or value, and that you really seriously slap expel such negative notions from the onset, beginning and opening within you, so shaytan cannot blow or sow his seeds of doubt into heart or soul, either no weeds of despair can take root or grow or hold of you.

The Sufi Healing Process; "Keep only, repeating words of and breaths of hopefulness, confidence, encouragement, self-assurance and successful-ness."

Know such a fervent need becomes formed into a victorious dua (prayer) that it's enough to change your Qadr-Destiny, that the Pen of time re-writes your atoms and your surroundings, your very being and makes you triumph in your feat by the vicissitudes of time inshallah. 

Always without exception, have the best opinion of Allah's Mercy a good destiny for yourself, for only then will you rule all doubt and concerns of life and move forward. Regardless of what test and trials He puts you in, they uplift you in reality. Tell yourself you can do this, you can do this, you can do this - inshallah.

To unlock the ties of unwanted attachments, unwanted ropes of despair that tie you down, unwarranted noose around the neck that feels it’s getting hard to live life, we need to break the chains of frustration of drowning and depression, we need to see hope and swim ashore to safety and comfort, so we start, afresh anew and so with the formula Bismillah.

So breath deep within your frame, from your navel and say Bismillah and release and break all bondage to all passes moments that have no value then or now and live a new life, breath totally from the air of hope, peace and tranquillity.

Taken from my; Sufi healing course - Positive Thinking
Sajad Ali – “Sufi Synergy Healing Approach”.

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